ON. VFX's profile

G-SHOCK Exploration

After days of work, I present you my G-SHOCK Exploration for the C4D Hero (VDM) course, finishing the module of art direction.


Sound design

I had such a fun while creating this project exploring new concepts, composition, style, animation (especially those match cuts), simulation, lighting and texture. The Art Direction was the most interesting module so far, I learned a lot (mainly about composition and lighting).

This new C4D's cloth system is insane, isn't it? Not gonna lie, I tried to simulate that fabric like 12 times and ended up choosing the version 11. The speed of the simulation definitely saved me some time I would have spent on Houdini simulating it and exporting those Alembic files.

Also I'm a huge fan of this visual style and I finally had the chance to test it out by myself. I'll be leaving a screenshot of my Pureref so you can see my references. (You certainly going to see some Tendril shots here. Yes, I'm a fan, but who isn't?)



Huge thanks to these guys:

Felipe Vieira
Ygor Betine
Felipe Covre
Rodrigo de Angelis
Thiago Laranjeira

Rendered with Fox Renderfarm

G-SHOCK Exploration

G-SHOCK Exploration

G-SHOCK Exploration
